About this Organization
Head Start is a federally funded program offering a comprehensive range of early childhood development services for 3- to 5-year-old children. It serves children from low-income families and children with disabilities. Early Head Start provides services to children 6 weeks old to age 3 in a center-based environment. We are focused on providing children with experiences that help them grow mentally, emotionally, socially and physically and are geared to provide enrolled families with resources that make them strong, independent and successful.
Organization Information
Organization Name: Associated Catholic Charities Inc. – Head Start and Early Head Start of Carroll County
Budget: $1 mil+
Phone Number: 667-600-2571
Email Address: pfoley@cc-md.org
Website: https://cc-md.org
Carroll County Head Start and Early Head Start is MSDE Accredited. We are a federally funded program for prenatal through pre-school children from low-income families. We are focused on providing children with experiences that help them grow mentally, emotionally, socially and physically and are geared to provide families with resources that make them strong, independent and successful.
- Volunteer your time in our program reading a story to our pre-school children.
- Spend time in our infant room rocking our babies.
- Help maintain our little lending library.
- Clerical/Crafts- cutting out classroom activities and laminating.
- Site Beautification- Volunteers to help keep the parking lot & playground picked up & clean.
Want To Get Involved?
Monetary Gifts:
In-Kind Gifts:
Participate in our amazon wish list that supports our Holiday Superstore. Its that time again, to start thinking about Super Store and donations. This is an event we hold around Christmas time. Our parents earn points by participating in events at school, and collect points for their super store booklet. Parents turn in their booklet and based upon their “points” they will receive special items for their children or family. That’s where you come in…..We are seeking donations of toys, household items, etc. Anything that would make the families/children feel special. Oh and of course, wrapping paper!
Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2KA9OF155E8GM?ref_=wl_share
Other Needed Donations:
- Canned food
- Cleaning and laundry supplies
- Diapers
- Wipes
- School supplies
- Office supplies
- New clothing donations such as children’s winter coats and boots, hats and gloves, underwear and socks.
Donations can be mailed or dropped off at 101 Clifton Blvd. Ste. 315 Westminster, MD 21157.
When donating to our program please specifically state that the donation is for Associated Catholic Charities Head Start/Early Head Start of Carroll County in order for our program to receive the donation.